Anime episodes 31-40 additonal games

35 (16:31, 18:40, 19:15)1904-10-15
Hikaru Shindo plays Hon Suyon. There are four flashbacks to Hon's games in the Korean Insei League. Three can be recognised. The first is Honinbo Shuei versus Tamura Yasuhisa (later: Honinbo Shusai). The second is Inoue Shunseki Inseki versus Honinbo Shuhaku. The third, also in anime 42, is Yasui Chitoku versus Okunuki Chisaku.
37 (8:28)1989-09-07One game in the anime is the fourth game in the pro examinations. Hikaru plays a girl, Kitahara Yuriko. The position shown is the end of Hane Yasumasa - Takemiya Masaki, 1989-09-07 in the 15th Tengen. Not in the Manga.
39 (8:28)1993-06-30Fuku's game before luchbreak. Move 73 of Kobayashi Kenji-Sasaki Tadeshi (see also episode 26)


Manga volumes

 1  2  3  4  5
 6  7  8  9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23    

Anime episodes

 1-10 11-20 21-30
31-40 41-50 51-60
61-70 71-75 76

Indexes to the games


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"The databases have been compiled by Jan van Rongen and are his copyright. They can be distributed freely, as long as this copyright statement is distributed with them. The databases shall not be made part of any [non] commercially available database collection of games of go without the written permission of Jan van Rongen."
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