Anime episodes 1-10 additional games

This gives an overview of games that are either differ from the manga, or can only be seen in the anime.

 1 (6:19)1840-12-22We see Fujiwara no Sai playing against his rival teacher to the emperor, who cheats. Here it is Inoue Genan Inseki vs Honinbo Shuwa on 1840-12-22~26, 1841-01-01, 02, 04, 05.
 2 (5:53)1851-07-01Hikaru goes to Go Class for the first time. Taking a break, he sees a game from a Tengen match on the TV. It is the situation after move 16 in Shusaku vs Sekiyama Sendayu (B), 1851-07-01.
 2 (13:13)1859-11-26There is another Go Class scene in the anime (not in the manga). Hikaru is given a book with a game to study. It is Shusaku versus Ebisawa (1859-11-26).
 3 (11:30)1832-02-24The second game between Sai and Toya Akira. There is no game with this kosumi of Black 7 in my database. The anime shows us the fight in one corner, and that comes from a game between Shuwa and Yasui Sanchi from 1832. The rest might still be based upon another game, or it might come from the imagination of Umezawa Yukari. We do not know.

Note: The first three episodes have an order that is slightly different from the manga. Showing different games for the same scene is something that only happens in these first three episodes. Thereafter the storyline follows the manga much more closely.


Manga volumes

 1  2  3  4  5
 6  7  8  9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23    

Anime episodes

 1-10 11-20 21-30
31-40 41-50 51-60
61-70 71-75 76

Indexes to the games


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"The databases have been compiled by Jan van Rongen and are his copyright. They can be distributed freely, as long as this copyright statement is distributed with them. The databases shall not be made part of any [non] commercially available database collection of games of go without the written permission of Jan van Rongen."
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