Opponents Picture gallery

Awaji Shuzo

Hasegawa Sunao

Kobayashi Koichi

Otake Hideo

Takemiya Masaki

Ch'oe Myeong-hun

Hashimoto Shoji

Kobayashi Satoru

Rin Kaiho

Yamada Kimio

Chang Hao

Hikosaka Naoto

Kono Rin

Rui Naiwei

Yamashiro Hiroshi

Cho Hun-hyeon

Honda Kunihisa

Kudo Norio

Ryu Shikun

Yamashita Keigo

Cho Sonjin

Imamura Toshiya

Luo Xihe

Sakata Eio

Yi Ch'ang-ho

Cho U

Ishida Akira

Ma Xiaochun

Seo Pong-su

Yoda Norimoto

Fujisawa Hideyuki

Ishida Yoshio

Mok Chin-seok

Shao Weigang

Yu Bin

Go Seigen

Ishii Kunio

Nie Weiping

Sonoda Yuichi

Yu Ch'ang-hyeok

Hane Naoki

Kataoka Satoshi

O Meien

Takagi Shoichi

Zhou Heyang

Hane Yasumasa

Kato Masao

O Rissei

Takao Shinji


See also the index of all opponents

Starting Points

Recent years

1999 2000 2001
2002 2003 2004
2005 2006 2007


The databases on this site are a service to the Go Community:
"The databases have been compiled by Jan van Rongen and are his copyright. They can be distributed freely, as long as this copyright statement is distributed with them. The databases shall not be made part of any [non] commercially available database collection of games of go without the written permission of Jan van Rongen."