
Cho Chikun in 1977.
This is more or less the table of content of the biography.
In the individual chapter you will also find references to index pages with the games.
Part 1: The early years (1962-1980)
In Chapter 1 (1962-1976) we cover the years until Cho's win of the first major titles (end 1976).
In Chapter 2 (1977-1980) we cover the period to end 1980, when Cho wins the Meijin for the first time, also
his first big title.
Part 2: A brief period at the top (1981-1985)
After winning the Meijin, Cho goes on to win the Honinbo, Judan and Kisei. But this period at the top is brief. In
Chapter 3 (1981-1985) we follow this period, where by the end of 1985 he only holds the Kisei title.
Part 3: Chasing Kobayashi (1986-1995)
Early 1986 Cho has a major traffic accident and plays the first game of the Kisei in a wheelchair. It is the start of a period where Kobayashi Koichi
dominates the Japanese Go world. Cho is after his titles, but it will take years to get them all.
Chapter 4 covers the years 1986-1990.
Chapter 5 covers the years 1991-1995 .
Part 4: The triple crown established (1996-present) and lost again
Chapter 6 covers the years 1996-2000, where at first Cho really dominated the Japanse Go world by winning all the big three titles. Then came 1999, where he lost the Honinbo, and 2000 where he lost both the Kisei and the Meijin.
Finally Chapter 7 covers the most recent year(s).